Friday 5 December 2014

My beautiful christmas decor.

Fairy Lights
Christmas holly on tree.

Fairy lights and ornament

Beautiful holly covered in 'snow'.
As christmas approaches, I have been sat inside snuggled in blankets watching christmas films. Barbie and the nutcracker and the grinch are probably my favourites this year. Not to mention the beautiful music that plays on this festive season. Fairytales of New York is the best. Anyway, being stuck in all day has given me the chance to catch up on my photography portfolio. I am doing macro shots of things related to christmas. These are some of my pictures that I have taken. They vary from pictures of my real mini christmas tree (which I have to water) and my beautiful fairy lights. I also took some of my Nutcracker, which I love to bits.
My nutcracker bauble.

This isn't the best photo I have taken but it definitely engages interest. I like the composition and the way it varies from a clear focal point to a blurred out back. I love christmas, which is why I have decided to base my portfolio upon this time of year.